Does Laser Hair Removal Show Permanent Results?

Laser Hair Removal

Wax, shaving, and tweezing are some of the common ways to reduce hair from unwanted body parts. Indubitably, these ways are effective and inexpensive also. But the only problem is they need to conduct often. Some people are satisfied with these hair removal techniques whereas others look for a permanent solution. For them, laser hair removal treatment is the last resort. 

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a technique using laser light for targeting hair pigment. The laser light travels down to the hair follicle eventually after going through the hair shaft. The heat generates from the laser light destroys the hair follicle completely, thereby eliminating or minimizing the chances of hair regrowth. 

Its Benefits:
  • The technique helps remove hair from various parts of the body from the leg, chin, face, arm, back, bikini line, underarm, etc.
  • The treatment shows the desired results without damaging the surrounding skin.
  • Most of the patients experience hair loss for quite a long duration after undertaking six to seven sessions.
  • Depending upon the area of treatment, the time duration of the treatment varies. For instance, removing hair from the upper lip is a procedure demands less then five minutes whereas larger areas like legs or back may take approximately one hour’s time frame.
  • It is a painless procedure 

There are some common queries of customers that how long does hair removal last and whether or not laser hair removal is permanent? Let’s find out the answer to these questions through the medium of this article.

The effectiveness of hair removal via laser technique depends upon a variety of factors. These factors are:

Skin Kind – Different people have different skin. As compared to fair skin, dark skin contains more melanin pigment. Due to the lower quantity of melanin pigment, destroying hair follicles of fair-skinned people is an easier task and thus the treatment lasts long in the fair-skinned people.

Growth Rate of Hair –As hair growth takes place in three cycles: Anagen (growth of the hair), catagen (the breakdown of hair) and telogen (rest) and different people have a different growth cycle. The growth rate of hair is one factor largely determines the effectiveness and longevity of the treatment.

Hair Colour – Dark-coloured hair is suitable for laser hair treatment as it absorbs the laser light well. Therefore, the darker the color of the hair, the more effective would be the treatment.
Hair Structure – Just like hair colour and growth, every person has a different hair structure. More complicated the hair structure would be, less permanent would be the result of laser hair removal treatment. 

 With the laser hair removal treatment, there are three important points to consider:
  • It removes 80-90 percent of hair effectively
  • This treatment demands multiple sittings within the time frame of 2-3 months. After the first session, people experience less hair. With every sitting, the hair growth delayed and the effectiveness of the treatment increases. 
  • The treatment is effective only with actively growing hair. As per the standard hair growth cycle, hair regrows within the time frame of 4-6 weeks, thus the person undertaking laser hair removal treatment should plan every sitting within the seven weeks of the prior session. 

Now, coming to the moot point, is laser hair removal permanent? The answer is No. From time to time, it is touted as a permanent laser hair removal treatment; however, the fact is the treatment helps in reducing hair significantly but does not remove hair permanently. Reasons are many:

  1. First, hair follicles heal itself with time resulting in the growth of new hair. However, the new hair is lighter in complexion, thus remains less visible.
  2. Second, hormonal changes and certain medications also affect the hair growth cycle.

Thus, it is better to regard laser hair removal treatment as a long-lasting hair reduction treatment.

Now, moving to another question, “how long does hair removal last”? It is difficult to specify any time period because every person has a unique hair growth cycle. Thus, some people experience hair growth quickly than others and some enjoy no hair for a long duration. 

Precautions with Laser Hair Removal

Because laser hair removal is an effective treatment as compared to other hair removal methods, it is expensive. Not every person gets the desired results with the technique. Moreover, not every doctor or surgeon can perform laser hair removal treatment with precision. Additionally, the treatment may lead to undesired results if an inexperienced surgeon performs the procedure. Thus, look for a reputed and experienced surgeon for getting the desired benefits. 

So, it is easy to conclude that laser hair removal removes unwanted hair from various parts of the body. The results are long-lasting but not permanent in nature. The results may vary from person to person as some hair types and skin complexions show better results than others. 

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